Call of duty world at war lan fix
Call of duty world at war lan fix

call of duty world at war lan fix call of duty world at war lan fix

# Custom patch if user gets no sound nor music # POL_SetupWindow_browse "$(eval_gettext 'Please select the. POL_SetupWindow_menu "$(eval_gettext 'Do you have a official patch-update to install ?')" "$TITLE" "$(eval_gettext 'No')~$(eval_gettext 'Yes')" "~" POL_Shortcut "CoDWaWmp.exe" "$TITLE - Multiplayer" "" "" "Game Shooter " POL_Shortcut_Document "$TITLE - Singleplayer" "help.htm" POL_Shortcut "CoDWaW.exe" "$TITLE - Singleplayer" "" "" "Game Shooter " POL_SetupWindow_browse "$(eval_gettext 'Please select the setup file to run')" "$TITLE" # POL_SetupWindow_message "Note: at the end of the installation, DO NOT install DirectX when asked." POL_SetupWindow_InstallMethod "LOCAL,DVD" POL_Wine_Direct3D "Multisampling" "enabled" # Sound problem fix - pulseaudio related # POL_Wine_PrefixCreate "$WORKING_WINE_VERSION" POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "$EDITOR" "$GAME_URL" "$AUTHOR" "$PREFIX" # - Wine x86 2.22, 3.0.3 (without any DirectX 9 installed): first mission (Semper Fi), some 3D polygons are blinking for some seconds then the game does crash (this issue does not occurs on a IGP Intel HD 4000. # - Wine x86 4.21 + patch v1.3: same issue as above (invisible people) Same with patch v1.3, tried d3dx9_43 + compiler # - Wine x86 5.0.1 + Alsa + patch v1.2->1.4 (without any DirectX 9 installed): all the people become invisible ! (and the weapons), after ~30 seconds the game does crash. Tried (with a clean backup): Wine 4.11 (worse: crash), 4.14 (blinking), 5.10 (black window when launched), 3.20 (graphisms Ok, sounds missing). Tried: registry patch, directx9, registry patch, xact. # - Wine x86 4.0.4 + patch v1.3: game run fine, but the sound and music are missing, there is only the background sound (sea, insects, fire).

call of duty world at war lan fix call of duty world at war lan fix

# - Wine x86 4.0.4, 5.0.1 (without any DirectX 9 installed): no sound nor music. Fix: Wine 4.0.4 (but then the game run with only the background sound). # - Wine x86 5.0.1 + patch v1.3: same crash as above. # - Wine x86 5.0.1 (without: any DirectX 9 installed, Alsa): crash as soon as launched (after the game splash window, then the window asking 'safe mode' appears, then the game does crash). # - Wine x86 4.21, 5.0.1, 5.10 (without any DirectX 9 installed): crash as soon as launched (after the window 'Optimize settings' that appear after 'Do you want to start in safe mode ?'). # Middlewares used by this software : DirectX 9.0c # Media used: retail french DVD v1.0 (folders date: ) # Distribution used to test : XUbuntu 18.04 圆4 (IGP: AMD Vega 11, driver: radeon)

Call of duty world at war lan fix